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40mm American Civil War Catalog

Sash and Saber introduces an extensive line of 40mm ACW miniatures intended for gaming, collecting, and dioramas. Future releases will include skirmishing infantry, cavalry, and limbers.

Photo Code Description Price
Boxed Sets These are intended as starter packs to feature specialty units.
40ACW1 Rebel Infantry right shoulder shift - 20 figures incl. 1 officer - 1 sgt. - 1 drummer and 1 color-bearer $60.00
40ACW2 Federal Infantry right shoulder shift - 20 figures incl. 1 officer - 1 sgt. - 1 drummer and 2 color-bearers $60.00
40ACW3a 12 lb. Napoleon with Federal Crew - 1 gun and 6 crew $30.00
40ACW3b 12 lb. Napoleon with Confederate Crew - 1 gun and 6 crew $30.00
40ACW4 Zouaves advancing-charging - 20 figures incl. 1 officer - 1 sgt. - 1 drummer and 2 color-bearers $60.00
40ACW5 Iron Brigade right shoulder shift - 20 figures incl. 1 officer - 1 sgt. - 1 drummer and 2 color-bearers $60.00
40ACW6 Hood's Texans right shoulder shift - 20 figures incl. 1 officer - 1 sgt. - 1 drummer and 2 color-bearers $60.00
40ACW7 Limber with 6-horse team and 5 crew $60.00
40ACW8 Mounted Federal Cavalry (7 figures - assembly required) $60.00
40ACW9 Mounted Confederate Cavalry (7 figs) $60.00
Regular Packs These are intended to supplement the boxed sets and contain 5 figure variants. Packs that contain separate heads include a selection of appropriate heads.
40ACW101a Rebel Infantry right shoulder shift $20.00
40ACW101b Rebel Infantry right shoulder shift $20.00
40ACW102 Federal Infantry right shoulder shift $20.00
40ACW103 Rebel Infantry advancing-charging (light equipment) $20.00
40ACW104 Zouaves advancing-charging $20.00
40ACW105 Iron Brigade right shoulder shift $20.00
40ACW106 Rebel Infantry advancing-charging (blanket roll) $20.00
40ACW107 Hood's Texans right shoulder shift $20.00
40ACW108 Rebel Casualties lying on ground $20.00
40ACW109 Federal Casualties lying on ground $20.00
40ACW110 Rebel Casualties falling $20.00
40ACW111 Federal Casualties falling $20.00
40ACW112 Rebel Infantry firing line $20.00
40ACW113 Federal Infantry Firing Line $20.00
40ACW114 Federal Infantry advancing-charging (pack and blanket roll) $20.00
40ACW115 Rebel Infantry skirmishing $20.00
40ACW116 Federal Infantry Skirmishing $20.00
40ACW117 Dismounted Federal Cavalry Skirmishing $20.00
40ACW118 Berdan Sharpshooters skirmishing $20.00
40ACW119 Dismounted Rebel Cavalry skirmishing $20.00
40ACW120 Dismounted Federal Cavalry Skirmishing - Spencer Carbines $20.00
Command Packs These contain two figures.
40ACW201 Rebel Infantry Officers advancing $10.00
40ACW202 Federal Infantry Officers advancing $10.00
40ACW203 Rebel Color Bearers advancing $10.00
40ACW204 Federal Color Bearers advancing $10.00
40ACW205 Artillery Officers (1 Federal - 1 Rebel) $10.00
40ACW206 Mounted Rebel Officers $20.00
40ACW207 Mounted Federal Officers $20.00
40ACW208 Rebel Drummers advancing $10.00
40ACW209 Federal Drummers advancing $10.00
40ACW210 Rebel Sergeants Advancing $10.00
40ACW211 Federal Sergeants Advancing $10.00
40ACW212 Rebel Buglers $10.00
40ACW213 Federal Buglers $10.00
40ACW214 Dismounted Federal Cavalry Command (5 figures) $20.00
40ACW215 Mounted Federal Cavalry Command (3 figs) $30.00
40ACW216 Mounted Confederate Cavalry Command (3 figures) $30.00
40ACW217 Dismounted Confederate Cavalry Command (5 figs) $20.00
40ACW218 Dismounted Federal Cavalry Sergeants - Spencer Carbines (2 figs) $10.00
Artillerists These contain 6 different crew figures
40ACW301 Rebel Artillerists $20.00
40ACW302 Federal Arillerists $20.00
Equipment Each pack contains 1 gun
40ACWE1 12lb Napoleon (includes Federal and Rebel tubes) $20.00
40ACWE2 3 inch Rifle $20.00
40ACWE3 10lb Parrott $20.00
40ACWE4 6lb Smoothbore $20.00
40ACWE5 Caisson $20.00
40ACWE6 Limber $20.00
Supplemental Heads Contains 10 heads
40ACWH1 US Colored Troops (forage cap) $5.00
40ACWH2 Havelocks $5.00
40ACWH3 Straw Hats $5.00
Diorama Kits
D1 "The Last Desperate Resort" Joshua Chamberlain and the 20th ME at Little Round Top. Includes resin base - 3 trees - 13 figures $85.00
D2 "Come on Boys! Give Them the Cold Steel" -- Lewis Armistead's high tide. Includes resin base - 1 gun - and 13 figures $85.00
40ACWX1 Fence (20 posts and 100 rails - approx. 4 feet) $30.00
40ACWX2 Stone Wall 6" straight sections (4) $12.00
40ACWX3 Stone Wall corner sections (4) $15.00
40ACWX4 Stone Wall gate section (1) $5.00
Photo Code Description Price